Some Popular iPad Applications Especially For The Creative Professionals

Day by day the iPad is going on becoming more and more famous. This is mainly because of the functionality that is added to it through downloading applications. Some of the applications of much use for the web designers and creative professionals are as follows.

Web Page Developer:

This iPad application has been designed especially for mobile development. The features of these applications are of much help to the web designers as well as the web developers. This application allows the user to simultaneously edit ten files, download files from the server, and preview the local files. You can also run the auto correct function.

SketchBook Pro:

This iPad application is mainly for painting and drawing. Some of its remarkable features include layering system, video output, and multi-touch interface and blend modes. The video output of this application is such that you can project your work on a larger projector or screen.


With this iPad application you can create a diagram for any event. While designing this application the usability and the functionality were the prime considerations. With the application you can draw various shapes as well as drag objects. Multitouch Gestures is one of the main features of this application. This application includes smart guides that can be of much assistance at drawing perfect diagrams for every occasion. The pricing of this application is such that only the expert creative professionals can think of recovering the quoted price.


This application helps in organizing and storing information pertaining to clients. The projects can also be organized systematically. This application makes the most needed information portable. This information usually includes the journal, contact book, digital note book and calendar.

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This iPad application helps the creative professional at editing the images. The numerous tools and the gorgeous system of layering provided in this application allow the user to make the images more attractive.


Gusto is such an iPad application that the creative professional can not only edit website files but also design distinct icons for every project that is being handled. The files can be downloaded and managed with the help of FTP program that is built in the application. The modification of multiple files become easy because of the tabbed editor provided in this application.


The Dropbox iPad application facilitates the user with functionalities such as uploading and downloading of files from the dropbox account. It allows the files to be stores as well as organized in such a manner that they can be accessed from any other device.


The Penultimate iPad application is the digital not pad as well as sketch pat. This application allows you to create many notebooks and also store a wide array of information. This application allows you to have notes notebook sketches notebook, and even doodles notebook. There are no limitations on the number of different notebooks and the number of pages within that you can have.