• alphaalpha
  • December 5, 2017
Tips on Choosing A Qualified Android Smartphone

Smartphone Android is a smartphone that can follow and obey what we want every day. Many people in the world who lull will sophisticated android smartphone that comes with features that are interesting and diverse.


Cheap does not mean cheap? The existing features on the phone are not inferior to smartphones that have more expensive prices such as Samsung or iPhone. Starting from the body design, camera, ram, processor, and features that are inside it looks very tempting to buy such a smartphone. However, we as ordinary mobile users of course still feel confused as to what a good …

  • alphaalpha
  • December 5, 2017
Good Software for Pcs and New Laptops

A good software for your laptop though today, most people are already switching to mobile technology. Almost everything that was once only done on a computer currently can be done only with the help of a smartphone. However, there are still many people who use a pc or laptop to perform their daily activities. If you have a new laptop or pc, sometimes you may be confused to install any application. Well, this time wants to discuss 10 compulsory application install for new pcs and laptops.


Newly purchased laptop or pc is still empty, not yet installed any application, sometimes …

How to Choose the Best Web Hosting Package?

Web Hosting

Web hosting is simply a space on te internet where your website is stored. When you have a website,

it needs to be accessible on the web, so the hosting service provider you have chosen is responsible for putting your site up and keeping it there, so that you customers can visit by typing in its URL in the browser bar on their computers.

Not all businesses would use the same type of hosting though, since their varied characteristics require tailored services that would best suit their individual needs. There are companies, such as PhoenixNAP, that will do everything …