Orange And O2 Offer A Number Of iPhone 4S Tariffs Which Include A Free Handset

The Apple iPhone 4S is one of the most popular smartphones in the world, thanks to its innovative features and ease of use. To purchase the handset outright would require an investment of some A�541.99, so many choose to take out a contract with a mobile network whereby they pay a monthly fee instead.

In this article I will look at the cheapest iPhone 4S deals from O2 and Orange, two of the biggest and most popular mobile network providers in the UK. I will only focus on the deals which include a free iPhone 4S handset so you can save even more money.

O2 200 + Unlimited + 500 MB

At A�27 per month, this is the cheapest deal with a free iPhone 4S handset that O2 currently offers. It comes with a decent package of allowances which most users should find suitable. The contract period of this deal is 24 months. For your A�27 per month, you will be entitled to 200 minutes of free calls, which is not the highest available but should be fine for average use, or those who only make phone calls occasionally. If you prefer to communicate via text message, this may your ideal tariff. There are no limits to the number of text messages you can send every month for the duration of the contract, although charges may apply when sending messages abroad or to non mobile numbers. Finally, data is capped at 500 MB per month, so you are able to take full advantage of the handset’s web browsing capabilities over O2’s 3G coverage. If you exceed the allowance or wish to preserve it, you can of course choose to use Wi-Fi whenever you have access to a wireless network.

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Orange iPhone 31 Extra

For A�31 per month (again, for 24 months), you can sign up to Orange’s cheapest tariff with a free iPhone 4S handset. Like the aforementioned O2 deal, you get unlimited free text messages every month, so you will have the peace of mind knowing that you will never have to pay for a text message sent within the UK. The free phone calls are slightly less, at 100 minutes per month, however this is somewhat offset by an increased data allowance. At a full 1GB, it offers double the data allowance of the above O2 contract, so is ideal for those who rarely use their phone to make calls but frequently browse the internet or use apps which require and active internet connection like Facebook or the handset’s email app.

As you can see, there are both similarities and differences to each tariff, meaning that a particular one may be better suited to certain users. To find the right iPhone 4S deal for you, follow the link at the bottom of this article where you view every available deal across all UK networks.