Importance Of Tea And Coffee Tea and coffee are both beverages that are usually prepared by pouring hot water into a cup containing the processed tea or coffee depending on what you prefer to take. Tea powder is manufactured from the tea leaves which originate from tea shrubs while coffee powder is manufactured from coffee beans that are harvested from trees that have been planted in the farms. Tea and coffee is important to everyone who is involved either by growing them, processing them at the manufacturing industry or consuming the product after it has been processed. The first benefit is that tea and coffee plantations provide a way of employment for people in society because there are many jobs that require labor such as planting, pruning the crops and harvesting them when they are ready. It is always important that people in society get employment opportunities because it is the only way they can be able to make cash to help support their daily activities and sustain their families as well. The second benefit is that there can be development of infrastructure and social amenities witnessing in the area where the tea and coffee plantations are found because the companies that process will want to have good roads that can be used to transport the raw materials for their companies in good time. It is therefore evident that the community will be advantaged because they can also use the improved roads and the social structures that are built such as the health facilities and schools which are meant to benefit the workers who help in the plantations.
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The third benefit is that the country will also get a lot of revenue from coffee and tea farming because they can export the final product after it has been manufactured so that the countries who want to buy will have to pay a lot of money to get the final products. Money can also be collected from the taxes that the processing companies pay in order to get licenses to operate in the state. Money that the country makes from revenue can be used to update different things in the county including facilities such as hospitals and schools and also purchase equipment that can be used in such facilities for effective service delivery.
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Another benefit of coffee and tea is that when the final product is consumed as a beverage, they provide a lot of health benefits to the consumer’s body because they are both antioxidants that stimulate many reactions in the body. They both help to prevent the body from dangerous cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure because they help a person to relax and the blood circulation is improved.

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