Asphalt Roofing; A Guide

Homeowners use asphalt roofing shingles to give their dream house that crisp and neat look. Asphalt roofing shingles have become a popular option for roofing houses because they are highly versatile, economical and they are very attractive. Currently, asphalt roofing covers nearly 80% of the roofing market. The shingles are affordable and are quite easy to install and come in an array of styles, quality and they are compatible with most roof pitches.

In the market, the two types of asphalt shingles that are available are the fiberglass shingles and the organic – mat shingles. They are all made of asphalt, it is the reinforcing mat is different; the fiberglass shingles use fiberglass while the organic variety uses a wood derived mat that is made of cellulose fiber.

The popularity of the fiberglass type is boosted by its thinness which make it lightweight and easy to transport and also has a higher fire rating. Organic asphalt shingles are popular too as they are more durable and are more flexible in cold weather. The organic asphalt shingles are therefore more popular in the northern parts while the fiberglass type dominates the central and southern regions of the country like in Salt Lake City. weather is among several other aspects that people consider when buying asphalt shingles.
Looking On The Bright Side of Roofs

The lifespan of the shingles should be a primary consideration when purchasing asphalt shingles. Although most of the asphalt shingles brand will come with warranties of 20 or more years, some fall off way before the warranties expire. The warrant period should therefore not be taken to be an indication of how long the shingles will last. The shingles that you buy should be the ones that meet standards stipulated by the industry regulators. To withstand tests like nail withdrawal and tear-strength, fiberglass shingles should meet a standard known as ASTM D-3462 while the organic type should meet the ASTM D-225 standard. The organic variety of shingles usually has a great resistance to nail-pull and tear – strength resistance compared to fiberglass. It is advisable to go for the organic shingles that feel heavy as they are sturdier than the light ones but do not use this with fiberglass shingles. As you would expect, certified shingles are bound to be more expensive than the low quality ones that have not been certified. But you Avoid the temptation of sacrificing quality for price.
Doing Options The Right Way

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Another thing to consider is the availability of varied looks and styles. The different styles and different looks are one of the major reasons why people love to use asphalt shingles for their houses.