If you are a parent that did not mean to read this article, I believe that now I definitely have your full attention. You may be wondering what exactly spy apps for android doing and how effective this application. If you keep reading, I will explain everything.

What Can Spy Apps For Android like “mSpy” do?

MSpy is one of the best Spy Apps For Android that you can be purchased and installed on almost any smartphone or tablet. This free android spy app is very easy to install (it takes me about five minutes, and I’m far from what you call “technology literate”) and this app is absolutely undetectable.

When mSpy is installed on the device, users of this app will be able to monitor:

  • All call information, including call time, call duration and phone number being dialed from the target phone as well as the phone number to which the target phone connects.
  • All Short Message Service (SMS) information, including the text content as well as to whom the text was sent and who sent text on the target phone. The information provided includes chat room activity and activity on the SMS platform.
  • All photos and video content sent or received by the target device.
  • All URL sites visited by target device users.
  • All the contents of the email sent or received by the targeted device.
  • All information on calendar and phone book address. You can see all the numbers and names in the phone’s address book of the target device and all the calendar info. You can also monitor every addition or modification of the phone book and calendar.
  • All instant messages and SMS content.
  • Mobile information – this feature allows you to track the physical location of the phone at any time. This is one of the most useful features of mobile spy apps, especially in the case of children who may be in danger or maybe they visit places they are not supposed to visit.
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MSpy is Free Android Spy Application Features and Advanced Services

There are several applications available that offer more capabilities than the above mentioned, but there are additional features and services that make mSpy somewhat unique in the spy mobile app market:

  • Remote Control – mSpy gives you the ability to control many remote phone functions and settings. With these features, you can control access to applications and programs. Another benefit of Remote Control is the ability to shut down cell phone functions in case of phone theft. This feature alone is almost worth the price of the app.
  • 24/7 Technical Services – One of the reasons I continue to use mSpy as my preferred app is technical support 24 hours a week. By adding a small fee, you can even get premium service from mSpy, which is also available 24/7 to help you with installation, “jailbreaking” or other personal help related to mSpy usage.
  • Phone Service – In addition to email and chat services, mSpy also provides telephone service for customers where you can actually talk directly to their staff.
  • Money Back Guarantee – mSpy offers a ten-day money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the performance of this product, they will refund your money.
  • Website Demo – mSpy offers a demo site where customers can familiarize themselves with the various features of the product. This is very helpful, especially for those who are less understood by  the technology.

ArrowSpyBasic and Premium mSpy

Spy Apps for Android such as MSpy Basic provides all the basic features you need to effectively monitor phone activity online, while mSpy Premium is at a different level than some of the advanced features mentioned above. You can buy the package that works for you.

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Conclusion for The Best Free Android Spy

MSpy is very easy to install and use. This product has been well designed, the instructions and the usage instructions contained on the site make mSpy very easy to understand. Technical service is another added value of this company. Their staff is skilled, friendly and very helpful. MSpy may be slightly more expensive than other mobile spy applications, but they support their products with a very satisfactory first class service.

This spy apps for android is highly recommend for anyone to install, whether to parents who want to protect their children and leaders who want to monitor their employees. MSpy has continued to improve and improve their products over the last three years and continues to be one of the leading mobile spy applications in the market.