How Useful DNA Testing Can Be. History of DNA testing is rated approximately #% years ago, it has been used in human identification and establishing relationships present among different individuals. DNA testing helps determine if there is a relationship between given individuals and also aids in determining what kind of relationship is there. When it comes to identifying individuals body cells whether dead or alive can be used to identify an individual. Even body parts made of continuous dead cells like hair can be used to tell gender and ethnic background of an individual. Before indent of DNA testing, identification was through blood typing. Blood typing the means that was used for identification before invention of DNA testing was not a very concise way of identifying individuals since there only a few blood types compared to the very great number of individuals on the globe From the invention of DNA testing all fields have preferred it to other means of identification. From the invention of DNA testing technique it was revealed that even if there is a blood relationship between people there can never be 100% similarity when it comes to DNA matter since it is unique in every individual. DNA relies on comparing certain DNA features called DNA markers between two individuals. When the patterns from different DNA samples match, then they are likely to come from the same individual. Where the samples are not identical but shows a big percentage of similarity than they most probably come from related individuals. If samples are similar to a certain extent then it denotes that the individuals have a relationship to that extent.
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Now for both criminal and legal cases DNA testing can be applied. For the two cases DNA testing is performed differently putting in regard the test being done. While judging cases from a crime scene where a stain of DNA was collected, it must match that of the suspect to prove them guilty.To prove a suspect guilty in investigation of matters at crime scene DNA stains at crime scene should match those of the suspect. Suspection holds no finality if DNA testing proves else.
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For legal cases DNA testing might be used in child support or immigration monitoring. DNA testing is the best option in cases where full identity of an individual cannot be unearthed or when a board like the immigration board want to relate the given details to the documented details. If the ethnicity of individuals is not known DNA testing is applied to establish one. In some parts of the world agencies use DNA in child support to determine real parents of a child for the purposes of providing necessary child care, maintenance and the correct documentation. This case is a good example of legal DNA testing use. Also when it comes to child adoption practices DNA testing helps a great deal. Ethnic backgrounds is a matter of consideration when it comes to adoption Where ethnic backgrounds cannot be determined DNA testing helps to solve this.If ethnicity of a child to be adopted is not well-known DNA testing aids in determination.

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