Widen Your Knowledge About Botox Treatment

Botox stayed as one of the sought after cosmetic treatments that are used to eliminate the signs of aging similar to laugh lines and wrinkles. These fine lines can easily make a person to lose his or her self confidence and leave them thinking that they had same youthful and beautiful skin when they’re younger. Whether you believe it or not, getting Botox treatment can make this thing possible.

A drug referred as botulinum toxin or simply as Botox is produced by making use of neurotoxin. Botox functions by paralyzing muscle groups. The way how a person does certain things or perhaps when making certain expressions is how wrinkles develop like when someone smiles, skin by the eyes are wrinkling which results to crow’s feet. With Botox, it paralyzes those muscles for a certain period of time which prevents them from moving. It’s capable of preventing wrinkles showing up for certain time because of this.

Many people wonder if they can still smile after getting a treatment. It seems as if everyone has seen a TV show or a funny meme over exaggerating what the possible effects of such procedure can be. They’ve actually led a number of patients to believe that this is the result of the treatment even though it is comical. Although, there are those who experienced that their face becomes stiffer and can’t move the muscles properly. But it is not as extreme as what portrayed in memes or movies. So for instance, you can still smile after undergoing Botox treatment however, you might not be able to smile as wide like you used to before the treatment.

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Like any other drug, there are also adverse effects of getting Botox and some of the side effects that a patient may feel often after getting their first injection is itching, muscle weakness, muscle stiffness, runny nose and sore throat. More often than not, patients are often experiencing mild side effects at the area where Botox was injected like mild inflammation and swelling.
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Each and everyone has a different experience when taking medication and the same thing is applied when undergoing such treatment. While one patient might not feel side effects, another may feel some. This is the reason why it is essential to take advantage of the free consultation offered by many medical experts doing such treatment to discuss about the benefits and risks.
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As for the effects of the treatment, this will largely depend on the treatment given as there are some that can last for up to 5 years while others can opt for having one that lasts for 6 months.