Apple’s iPhone Setting Trends

The way things are progressing it is being said that soon all mobile devices would be smartphones. All the big names of the tech industry are into mobiles and the competition is heating up. iPhone was the one to set a standard for a smartphone device and today there are many more in the market following suit. iPhone application development is rocking as people love the iPhone apps. A main reason for buying an iPhone today is the number of attractive applications it has for its users.

Apple made a breakthrough with the iPhone in the smartphone market. From there on it grew at a steady pace. With each year it presented most anticipated upgrades of iPhone models. Each model was better than the one before and achieved better sales.

It enjoys a loyal customer base which associates Apple products with smart functions and elegant designs. Such is the craze for an iPhone that each model is awaited by its loyal customers who find it difficult to shift their loyalties to any other brand.

Apple’s iPhone came with an impressive functional screen size of 3.5 inch size that became an instant hit. It enhanced the camera capability of the iPhone that allowed clearer and bigger display of pictures. It came at a perfect time when there were no such pocket size cameras having 3.5 inch screen. The magical multi touch and bigger screen size along with smart camera functionality have boosted the sales of iPhone. When it came to the market there was no other like it as it was way ahead of others.

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iPhone App store was another success story that set a trend for mobile applications development. When it was introduced in July 2008 nobody was expecting it to become an instant hit. The number of downloads started rolling achieving milestones for Apple. The revenue generated from App store was impressive and it also proved beneficial for both the developers and the users.

The creative applications available at the App store make iPhone a more attractive product. It has served to increase interactivity level of developers with users and of users with iPhones creating a win win situation for Apple. The App store has also helped to provide the developers with a perfect platform to launch and market their applications therefore many developers turned towards iPhone applications development. Another factor that lured them was the desire to earn big money. visit