A Quick Guide to Use Coupons to Maximize Your Savings

Coupons are a great way to maximize your savings when shopping, here are some tips to help you maximize your savings when using coupons.

Before you shop, it is smart to find coupons online from the various coupon sites available. Most of these sites are user-friendly and it will be easy for you to search for coupons of the products you want and print them. It is advisable to look for a website that has multiple coupons from major brands as some may allow you to print two for each coupon.

Another way to obtain coupons is through newspapers, magazines as well as from coupons apps. If you find newspapers with good coupons, you may want to purchase extra copies and store them in your coupon organizer. Similarly, you can find manufacturer’s coupons in magazines especially the women’s publication.

The other tip for extreme couponing is to search for coupons directly from the brands of your favourite products. This way, you can take advantage of great deals when the prices of the products are lowest. Most brands offer coupons to their loyal customers who follow them on social media and share their content.

Make sure you join the loyalty program of the store in order to get great deals for the coupons. Most stores do have a loyalty program and give their users a loyalty card so that they get great discounts when they purchase certain items. Therefore, you should look for stores that have a loyalty program so that you can get discounts when you checkout.

Get to know your store and their coupon policy before you make any decision. The couponing policies of various stress may vary, for example, there are stores that allow double couponing while others do not. You may want to look for stores that allow you to use coupons from their competitors and this is helpful if you are in a different city or far away from the store that has great deals. You can ask for a copy of this policy or check it in their website.

Make sure you keep track of your coupons by organizing them in a neat an accessible manner. You can come up with a filing system or use a storage container to organize the coupons by their category or their date of expiration. When you arrange the coupons according to their expiration date, you will be able to ensure that they stay current to save you from losing money when they are stuck in your file. It is wise to go through your coupons regularly to ensure that they are current.

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